Digital Voice has six main programmes that are accessible to people of all ages and abilities – they are listed below with links to case studies. Our specialist team adapts every project to the needs of your group. We are happy to think out of the box to achieve your goals. Digital Voice can also work with you to secure the right funding.
Digital Voice’s expert creative, digital media inclusion work helps participants to achieve many benefits, develop skills, confidence and self-esteem, and empowers them to change their lives and have a voice. More information about the impact of projects can be seen here on our Impact Page
Digital Voice’s six main programmes are listed below

The DigitalMe project gives a voice to people who are often ignored or afraid to talk. Vulnerable individuals and groups are supported by Digital Voice to make artistic video self-portraits, sending powerful messages to peers, service providers and the public while remaining completely anonymous.
GeoStories brings people together to discover their shared heritage and dig deep into what shapes local lives and communities.
Mixed age groups work together to make interactive stories combining digital maps, pictures, videos and narrative to talk about their local area - the past, present and future.
The results of these popular projects are shared via exhibitions, community screenings and online.

Create a once-in-a-lifetime experience for your care home residents, their families and your staff. LifeBooks is a ten-week programme that allows care home residents, including people with dementia and alzheimers, to tell their life stories.