
Silhouette of heads and hands work done bu Digital Me participants, text about being a young carer

Give a voice to vulnerable people who often need to remain anonymous in this award-winning creative programme.

DigitalMe is a programme that gives vulnerable people the opportunity to tell their stories and enact change within the services they use.

Our Digital Voice experts work with vulnerable individuals to create digital artworks describing their experiences of difficult subjects, such as being in care, domestic abuse and mental health.

Participants create their own avatar to tell their story, explore issues they care about in a group and produce powerful emotive digital stories which are shared with relevant audiences (decision makers, peer groups, researchers) often with great impact.

DigitalMe won a Royal Television Society award for technological innovation for a project working with care-experienced children and Gateshead Council’s Children’s Rights Service.

“It makes me feel so much better to get my message across. I’ve been waiting a long time.” - 

Newcastle Integrated Domestic Abuse Service Participant


Tell powerful stories

Participants tell their stories using a mixture of art, collage, and audio recordings. Creating a powerful and visually vibrant expression of their experiences to be seen by peers, service providers and the public.

Keep people safe

Give a voice to people who are often ignored or afraid to talk. Participants design their own avatar to tell their story - allowing them to talk honestly about their experiences, while not revealing their identity.

Support along the way

Our Digital Voice experts have lots of experience working with vulnerable groups, both children and adults. 

“Working with Digital Voice has been fantastic, they have all been helpful, non judgemental and of course we have been able to have a laugh with them despite talking about difficult experiences we've been through. Since doing the course it has given us the courage to speak up and help other women who find themselves in our positions.”

participant in DigitalMe project.

The benefits of DigitalMe

Honest feedback

People get the unique opportunity to influence policy, training and the services they use by providing detailed and rich feedback through their own stories. 

Develop self-esteem 

DigitalMe helps people learn about themselves, their qualities and strengths. They work together with other people to build relationships and talk about issues they share. 

Boost digital skills

From designing their avatar to creating digital collages - DigitalMe is a way for people to learn new digital skills. 

DigitalMe for me?

We work with small groups over several weeks to design the DigitalMe artworks. We have experience working with a range of vulnerable groups including children in care, victims of domestic abuse and people with serious mental health issues.

It can be tailored to any group, and no digital experience is required ahead of taking part. 

Case Studies

Survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence

Care experienced children and young carers

DigitalMe Playlists


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