Continuous Professional



What can Digital Voice do for you and your team? 

The Digital Voice team has expertise in all aspects of digital and creative digital media. Our CPD training can be delivered virtually or in-person. 

We currently deliver the following packages:

Read on for a flavour of these courses/seminars.

Tech Abuse for Survivors of Domestic abuse: Being safer online

This course looks at the main forms of digital abuse for those at risk  of being contacted by violent ex-partners or stalkers and shows how to keep private online, lock down profiles and be aware of the many ways a person can be tracked and/or found.
The course is for professionals working with survivors who are at risk or the survivors themselves. 
The training addresses the question: How can we use technology better in order to protect our safety and privacy?

This seminar gives you the tools and knowledge to work with groups to support them to reminisce.  We give you access to our Trip Down Memory Lane resources and show you how to deliver a session. Digital Voice has a huge collection of short films made by local people about life ‘back in the day’.  Here we give you the tools to stimulate memories of life gone by. 

Reminiscence training: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Digital storytelling is a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to share aspects of their story. It is a great way to boost digital skills and reminisce with older people in a creative way. 
This blended learning course includes: 
4 x 2hr online live sessions
Approx. 10 hours of independent study/practice

Digital Storytelling

The pandemic has highlighted the need for digital skills to work online, our session covers:
Online meetings and Presentations
Sharing information
Mental health aspects of home working

Effective Online Working

In this session, Digital Voice shares some of our best practice and experience in organising digital skills training for a wide variety of audiences. This is a very practical session where participants are invited to think about the people they would organise training for (staff / volunteers), how they can audit skills and design a curriculum. 

Digital Inclusion - how to organise training

In this seminar, Digital Voice presents case studies of the projects it has delivered over the past 14 years. We will talk about how creative, digital media inclusion work such as digital storytelling not only helps participants to develop skills, confidence and self-esteem, but also empowers them to change their lives, build relationships, find community and have a voice. 

Our case studies include heritage and intergenerational projects and partnership working.

Digital Media - A tool for creativity and building relationships

This has become a very popular way to record and listen to content.  
In this course we show you how to:

  • make a podcast

  • publish your episodes

  • set up a podcast show

  • interviewing and recording skills

  • introduction to the tech required


Interested in working with us?
We’d love to hear from you!

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