Digital Voice works with participants often excluded from digital media, helping individuals and communities to gain a wide range of benefits.
Our multi-award winning team supports partner organisations and clients to harness the power of digital to make life better, through sharing stories, growing skills and self-esteem, and communicating key messages creatively.
Digital Voice is a not-for-profit social enterprise that has delivered digital inclusion projects nationally and internationally for more than a decade. The short video featured on the About page gives examples of how people of all ages and abilities are using digital activities and skills to improve their lives.
Our six main products are listed on our Services page. These are tailored to your needs and use whichever forms of media are most suitable, from tablets to video, audio, digital photography, animation, digital installations, print and the web.
Digital Voice are happy to hear your ideas and will work with you to design custom projects that give your group a digital voice.
Or you can choose one of the six tried and tested project templates. We will then consult your group and adapt it to best fit its needs.
iSkills is designed help people gradually build confidence in creative digital skills such as digital photography and film.
Digital Voice help give a voice to people who are often ignored or afraid to talk. Vulnerable individuals and groups are supported to make artistic video self-portraits, sending powerful messages to peers, service providers and the public while remaining completely anonymous.
Digital Voice run dementia friendly LifeBooks workshops that help older people reminisce about their lives by creating a digital book of mementos such as old family photos, and music that is important to them. The final outcome is a digital memoir they present to family and friends at a screening and a printed coffee table book to take home.
GeoStories brings people together to discover their shared heritage and dig deep into what shapes local lives and communities using filmed interviews and archive photos.
Digital Storytelling projects are about empowering people by showing them their stories are powerful and have value. Learners create a short film using photos and audio.
inTouch courses are designed to help those who have no experience with IT at all to take their first steps. Digital Voice use iPads to show people going online can be user friendly, engaging and safe.

Partners and Participants
Digital Voice works with a wide variety of partners in the public, private and third sector. Our participants are all ages and abilities and our team is dedicated to overcoming digital exclusion. We help disadvantaged groups and individuals find their “digital voice” and share their messages and creativity.
Digital Voice has provided digital skills training since 2007; offering opportunities to disadvantaged communities and has helped over 6,000 people gain essential digital skills over the past 15 years
Partner organisations
Years Serving communities
6,000 +
People Impacted