Cherished Memories – Virtual LifeBooks

Lifebooks is an empowering creative experience facilitated by Digital Voice, designed in collaboration with Alzheimer’s and Dementia specialists, that aims to capture the essence of participants’ rich histories in a book that they get to keep and share with their families in not only a paper format but a digital one as well. 

All 6 of the finished LifeBooks placed out on a table

All 6 of the finished LifeBooks placed out on a table

Digital Voice had planned to run Lifebook’s events with residents from Chopwell in 2020. However, as with many services and events, the pandemic forced us to re-evaluate what we would be able to safely deliver, especially to older people who were identified as the most vulnerable to Covid19. As a result, through our perfect positioning as a sector lead in community creative technology, and the innovation and dedication of the Digital Voice team, we were able to quickly redevelop Lifebook’s for distanced, virtual delivery. 

Participants were provided with the technology and support they needed to enable them to join in with zoom sessions, and very quickly they were engaging, feeling reconnected and having loads fun!

Throughout the 10 weeks of the Lifebook’s sessions, participants would join us on zoom to chat about their life stories. We were treated to all kinds of warm memories and moving histories of Chopwell, such as tales of riding on coal tubs to Chopwell’s Circle of Adventure, using the village as one large playground. Participants gained a lot from revisiting their past experiences and feelings and participants were supported to email their written notes, enabling them to access another valuable tool for connection and engagement during lockdowns. These written stories were then set alongside meaningful images from participant’s pasts creating a rich archive of personal and local history that could then be formatted into a book using our iPads. 

When lockdown restrictions eased over the Summer of 2020, we were able to safely present participants with their own personal digital books as well as a printed one. Digital Voice were fortunate enough to be able to host this rare, socially distanced in person event in Chopwell park, a place which evoked fond memories in participants and wonderfully was able to create new ones as well. Shared hot drinks, a little sweet treat and (most importantly) sharing stories is something we cannot take for granted during this pandemic. This small, carefully managed event was so important for our participant’s wellbeing, self-esteem, and confidence. It was a heart-warming end to the summer during a difficult time for many that neither our participants, nor our Digital Voice team, will ever forget. 

Here is a look into one of the participants’ Lifebook’s Journey - Terry's Journey Case Study

See the work we do in care homes with Lifebook’s here - Briardene and Sovereign Lodge Case Study

Interested in working with us?
We’d love to hear from you!

Chanise Armstrong