“A uniquely brilliant event” - Reporting back on our very first Digital Learning Day
“Barrier Breaking
Great networking opportunity”
Stop it - we’re blushing here … and bursting with pride!
This is just a snippet of the feedback we’ve received following our first ever Digital Learning Day for VCSE organisations. Delivered in partnership with VONNE Digital Pathfinders and hosted at the excellent One Strawberry Lane Hub (thank you Home Group!).
Our team delivered sessions on Simple Digital Content Creation, Creative Community Consultation as well as being available for drop-ins on Digital Storytelling, Digital Inclusion and Engaging Reluctant Learners, while VONNE delivered Digital Marketing Best Practices.
Julie Nicholson, our Managing Director tells us why it was important to share Digital Voice’s skills and practice:
“The aim of the day was to improve the way the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations work and support their user groups. We know from research that the North East is still trailing behind other areas of the UK in terms of digital skills; we wanted to do something about that.”

So how did we do? We asked people who had attended what they learnt and these are some of their comments:
“I learned a good amount about Canva and AI, the simple yet effective benefits to keep the community engaged.”
“An interesting day with lots of useful advice. Today has helped to clarify how to engage moreinterest in our community project.”
“The simplicity of digital tools.”
The day was also a great chance to network with other organisations in the sector. Mortal Fools, a theatre and creative learning charity, had this to say:
“We’re feeling so invigorated after the VCSE Day of Digital Learning with @DVdigitalskills and @VONNENews. Ronnie Johnston was bursting with ideas and hearing from Carrie Brookes about developments on the horizon of digital marketing and how they affect charities was fascinating!”
Here is the short video made with those who attended the creative consultation session- thanks to all who contributed. Watch it to give you a sense of how easy it can be to learn how to consult people and measure the impact of your work with simple video interviews.
Thanks to everyone who attended and to the brilliant teams at VONNE, Home Group and of course ours, who made it such a success, we’re off to bask in the warm glow of this feedback and start planning the next one!
To find out more about how Digital Voice can help you with community consultation, digital storytelling, content creation, or any other digital need, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.