Recipe4Success: Why we’re going back for seconds (and thirds)!

As the cost of living crisis really started to bite last winter and communities across the North East braced for yet more cuts, we launched our Recipe4Success project in Gateshead. The project aimed to improve numeracy skills by learning about how to plan and make low-cost, healthy meals.

Speaking up Together is a self-advocacy group for people with additional needs in Gateshead and they realised that it’s never been more important to have the skills to make money go further, whilst acknowledging that not everyone has them. The group shared their tips for healthy meals in a series of Tiktoks to help other people with additional needs.

Over the river in Newcastle’s West End, the participants at Diversity Hub have been working hard and have created a cookbook, celebrating dishes from all over the world; all low-cost, all delicious! 

We’re delighted to continue with this project with two more organisations, Tyne Housing, a charitable housing association which focuses on providing support to vulnerable and isolated people living in the North East, and Liberdade, an arts organisation that enables people with learning disabilities to run their own company in the North East.

These projects will be run in partnership with The Nourish Food School and The Pickle Palace, so that participants will be able to learn both tech and cookery skills. 

“We often use the hashtag #Tech4Good in our social media posts and I feel like Recipe For Success is the perfect example of how simple technology can be used to improve people’s lives - I can’t wait to see and taste the results!”

- Julie Nicholson, Managing Director, Digital Voice

Recipe For Success is funded by Gateshead Council’s Multiply Fund. 

To find out how your group can work with us, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you. 

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Chanise Armstrong