Why investment in Digital Skills brings great returns
Many individuals start the new year by committing to trying something new. Trying new things can be scary and frustrating, can’t it? Even when you know it will be ‘good for you’. At Digital Voice, we’re well aware of the resistance to learning digital skills, especially when a person hasn’t ever done it before; the fear is real. We get it. We also get that digital is everywhere, in all aspects of our lives and work and not being able to use it becomes a huge disadvantage. That’s why our InTouch courses and Digital Learning Days are fun, engaging, accessible and 100% not scary.
But don’t just take our word for it. If you’re interested in digital skills for yourself, your staff, your clients or user groups, have a look at some of the examples below.
Who is the training for?
We cater for individuals who would like to be able to use their tablet to access online services; for small organisations where there’s no social media manager; for people designated as the ‘techie’ in their organisation who’d like to develop further; for people who are scared of technology. Just about everyone then!
At a recent Digital Learning Day for VSCE organisations, we captured just some of the reasons people come to our sessions:
If you’re the one in your organisation tasked with creating content for social media or you have your own business and it’s just you who has to make and sell your products or services, then our introduction to Canva could prove very useful:
For very small organisations, investment in your staff can not only benefit them but also your client and user groups:
Our approach is very supportive, we don’t assume anything about your prior experience (it’s fine to have none), we start from where you are. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re neurodivergent or have never done anything like this before:
“Having the opportunity to practice and learn the skills [...] as a group rather than as a school dynamic, where we’re just sitting and listening, I was actually able to do something more holistically, using my hands and my mind and then discussing it as a group which is very beneficial to me as a learner, having ADHD, I need that style of learning and I appreciate that the most from today.”
If you have staff or user groups who you think would benefit from one of our inTouch courses please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.
Booking now open! Our next Digital Learning Day for VCSE organisations is on 11th February 2025 at One Strawberry Place, Newcastle. https://connectedvoice.org.uk/events/digital-learning-day-vcse-organisations
See the full film from our Digital Learning Day in Cramlington https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYphwcb1Y58&t=7s