Rape Crisis DigitalMe launch

The amazing work done by the group was celebrated in February at a screening and exhibition for professionals and friends of RCTN. Jobcentre Plus and women’s organisations have requested use of the films for their work to raise awareness in training and give women a voice.  Jobcentre Plus staff also pledged to make the changes suggested by participants.

Only 5 per cent of sexual violence assaults result in a conviction, and rape prosecutions have fallen by a third over the past year. Here is a link to the individual pieces produced by the group and a montage of their messages.  Please note: the messages are not easy to watch, but important to hear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Digital media messages calling for improvements to the system of support for women who have experienced sexual violence and the Criminal Justice System are to be used by women’s  organisations to raise awareness of the need for change. Digital Voice worked in partnership with Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland to support a group of women who have experienced sexual violence to share their messages about how they felt and what needs to be done to improve the system, such as having a private space in the job centre to discuss issues and the importance of being believed by the police.


This DigitalMe project was funded by the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Supporting Victims Fund and The Get North Innovation Fund. This award-winning approach to working with vulnerable people has also assisted other groups to communicate their messages, using creative media tools to deliver powerful messages while protecting anonymity.

Interested in working with us? We’d love to hear from you!

Jan Debognies