LifeBooks - Briardene and Sovereign Lodge care homes
This course is tailored to the needs of people in the earlier stages of dementia although works well with anyone. It was developed in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society and piloted with Northumberland Mental Health Team. It is suitable for groups of up to 9 people to take part.
“ Thank you so much for all your help. Your patience has resulted in a priceless memory the family can treasure. ”
- Daughter of a Sovereign Lodge resident.
Learners use iPads to create digital LifeBooks, multimedia journals which include their favourite music, photos and oral history. They bring their photos together in a unique way to capture the essence of that person and their life.
The course is ten two hour sessions run by expert facilitators with experience of working with older people with dementia. The content is designed to the specific needs of each group. There is no need to have an iPad or to have ever used an iPad; all training and equipment is provided free of charge. It is helpful for the service-users to be accompanied by carers/support workers. It has been most successful when each person has one to one support from family or support staff; we understand this may not be possible, but would like to find groups which can offer as much support as possible as it develops lasting bonds, through reminiscence and team-work.
Digital Voice work in partnership with Careport group of residential homes to deliver the course with their residents. They felt this was a way of ensuring the people in their care stayed connected and allowed them to meet the standards of excellence of service which are so important to the company. It is also a lovely way to bring families closer together, as we ask that a family member or staff assist each resident.
Participants receive training in basic iPad use, so they feel confident, then develop skills in adding them to their book and learn to use their photos creatively. The course focus on reminiscing and use learners’ favourite music, important in helping people with dementia trigger long term memories. The groups reminisce together, digitize photos, lay out text, music and arrange everything within the app we use to help them produce their LifeBooks. We also record their audio, telling anecdotes which are included in the digital book.
There is always a celebration event and screening at the end of the project to share the work and celebrate the participants' efforts and each receives a printed version of their work. Learners are also given a printed copy of their LifeBook.
This project brings people together, encouraging friendships through the sharing of memories.
Those who have participated are always very enthusiastic about the process and its results. Here is a quote from a recent course with Careport:
" A wonderful opportunity for Mum and I to work together. It is lovely to see the interaction between the group "
-Pam Jose
daughter of Sovereign Lodge resident.
We have also received encouraging feedback from Careport:
Really pleased to have this lovely feedback from local care homes recently. Here is a video of what happens on a LifeBooks course:
“It has been one of the most enjoyable projects we have been involved in. Residents, their families and our staff have enjoyed every single minute of it and the presentation of the life books and DVDs was emotional and moving. The residents were proud of their books and the integration between them all over the 10 weeks was lovely to observe.”
- Louise Kerry Regional Manager, Careport
Here is a short film made on our last project, to give you a flavor of what happens and what is produced: